if it does not work on this website please go to itch thank you


Hello! this game has been patched post deadline, the camera should follow the player now so the game should hopefully be minimally playable! Thank you! 

* I changed a setting on my cinemachine camera so it should work in the build now TwT)

* I changed a setting on my end slide show controller so hopefully it doesn't crash after level 3 anymore TwT

* Rebuilt with Player settings change (Data Caching disabled) so that it can run on the ldjam website


Your dog has been lost for weeks. You have searched everywhere, but have yet to find your dog. Worried about your dog, you decide to take more desperate measures and attempt to use magic to find and get your dog back.

You perform a summoning spell to get your dog back!

*Will you succeed?*



* A - traverse clockwise

* D - traverse anti-clockwise

* Space - Rocket opposite to current gravity

* Point & Click - shoot magic beam

* Enter - Next


Known bug: if the portal is stuck in an island you have to restart the level and hope it works sorry I couldn’t fix it in time



* https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Handlee?classification=Handwriting&stroke=Sans...

* https://sfxr.me/


Hello! This is my first Ludum Dare ever! (And also the first solo game jam I actually finished in time for submission TwT) 

This time I did the mechanics first so I have something vaguely playable (but I procrastinated a bit so the art and audio is a bit janky sorry).

I hope you enjoy my game! (Do let me know what you liked / didn’t like about my game!)


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(1 edit)

This is such an awesome concept! I have to say, the opening cutscenes were really compelling and heartwrenching! We have to find that dog! I was wondering what tools you used to create your cutscenes? I was really impressed by the "flipbook" feel of the art, and the dialogue boxes! I would love an entire visual novel in this style!

(1 edit)

Hi! Thanks for leaving a review! I used Krita (free digital art making software) to make the the art for this game! I wrote a controller to change the image for each slide and a script to progressively reveal letters in the text according to the slide number! (Mayhaps I'll work on a visual novel type game in the future hehe :D)